    • 14 Jan 2022
    • 29 Minutes to read
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    Article summary

    Learn how to add, manage and use Rewards.

    What are Rewards?

    Rewards are rules you can define on how users earn or receive Points. Points can be used to purchase Benefits.

    Choose Your Reward Type

    yawave supports eight Reward types. Click one of the Reward types below to learn more.

    Configure Manual Rewards

    Manual Rewards are one-time Point allocations.

    1. Click Activate/Rewards.

    2. Click Add Reward.

    3. Select the user or group of users you want to give Points to from the Choose Beneficiary Segment drop-down menu. A common use case is to select All Contacts as this will allow all contacts to earn the reward you are creating. You can also start typing a name or email address and if it is in the system, yawave will filter a list based on what you enter. Select the name or email address(es) if applicable.

    4. Select Manual as the source you want to use for this Reward from the Source drop-down menu.

    5. By default Beneficiary is selected as the Executor and cannot be changed.

    6. Custom Naming of Event cannot be changed.

    7. Enter the name you want to use for the Reward in the Name field.

    8. Enter the description you want to use as the Reward in the Description field.

    9. By default Fixed Points is selected for Reward and cannot be changed.

    Enter the numeric value you want to use for the Reward in the field below Fixed Points. For example, if you enter value 1000 and select All Contacts as the Beneficiary in Step 3 above, all contacts will immediately receive 1,000 Points. This will be reflected in the Points screen.

    1. Limit total rewards and Limit total rewards per beneficiary cannot be changed.

    2. Click Submit.

    Configure Application Rewards

    Application Rewards is defined, for example, by all shares in your Application through a Publication, Share Tool or anywhere in yawave a user will share content.

    1. Click Activate/Rewards.

    2. Click Add Reward.

    3. Select the user or group of users you want to give Points to from the Choose Beneficiary Segment drop-down menu.

    4. Select Application as the source you want to use for this Reward from the Source drop-down menu.

    5. Select the event you want to use for the Application Reward from the Event drop-down menu. Your choices include the following (Note: Settings vary based on what you select.):

    • Subscribed (uses Subscribe Tool)
    • Paid >= (uses Payment Tool) - Additional settings need to be configured when selecting Paid >=.
    • Gave Feedback (uses Feedback Tool)
    • Submitted Forms >= (uses Form Tool)
    • Shared >= (uses Share Tool)
    • Visited Shares >= (uses Share Tool)
    • Registered - Motivate users to create accounts in your Application by rewarding them with Points.
    1. By default Beneficiary is selected as the Executor. You can also select Influenced contact(s) of beneficiary from the Executor drop-down menu. Your choices include the following:
    • Beneficiary - the one who does the action (subscribes) gets rewarded, or receives Points.
    • Influenced contact(s) of beneficiary - you get rewarded when you motivate someone to take action (a user subscribes).
    1. Depending on what you selected in Step 5 above, you'll need to configure additional settings. Continue reading for information on additional configuration settings.

    A. If you selected Subscribed or Registered in Step 5 above for Event, continue to Step 8, otherwise continue to B.

    B. If you selected Paid >= in Step 5 above for Event, configure the following two settings, otherwise continue to C:

    • Enter the numerical value you want the Executor to have paid to earn a Reward (Points) in the Amount field. You can also click the up or down arrow located on the right side of the Amount field.
    • Next, select the currency you want to use for the paid amount from the Choose Currency drop-down menu. Continue to Step 8.

    C. If you selected Gave Feedback or Submitted Forms >= in Step 5 above for Event, configure the following setting, otherwise continue to D:

    • Quantity is the number of times an action must be completed, either Gave Feedback or Submitted Forms >=, in order to receive the Reward (Points). Enter the numerical value for the number of actions the Executor must complete before earning the Reward (Points) in the Quantity field. The default is value 1. Continue to Step 8.

    D. If you selected Shared >= or Visited Shares >= in Step 5 above for Event, configure the following two settings, otherwise continue to Step 8.

    • By default Share Email, Email, LinkedIn, Twitter, WhatsApp, Xing and Get Link are selected. Click the X icon next to the Channel you want to remove, or leave the default selected Channels.
    • Quantity is the number of times an action must be completed, either Shared >= or Visited Shares >=, in order to receive the Reward (Points). Enter the numerical value for the number of actions the Executor must complete before earning the Reward (Points) in the Quantity field. The default is value 1. Continue to Step 8.
    1. Select the date you want the Reward to start by clicking the Start Date calendar icon. By default Limit end date is disabled. This means the Reward will continue indefinitely. To limit the time the Reward is available, click the Limit end date toggle once and select the date you want the Reward to stop by clicking the Limit end date calendar icon.

    2. By default Limit end date is disabled. This means the Reward will continue indefinitely. To limit the time the Reward is available, click the Limit end date toggle once and select the date you want the Reward to stop by clicking the Limit end date calendar icon.

    3. By default Custom Naming of Event is enabled. When enabled, you can enter a name and description for the Reward. Click Custom Naming of Event to disable. When disabled the system will create a name and description for you.

    When Custom Naming of Event is enabled, complete the following:

    • Enter the name you want to use for the Reward in the Name field.
    • Enter the description you want to use as the Reward in the Description field.
    1. Depending on what you selected in Step 5 above, you'll need to configure additional settings. Continue reading for information on additional configuration settings.

    A. If you selected Subscribed or Registered in Step 5 above for Event, configure the following two settings, otherwise continue to B:

    • By default Fixed Points is the only option available for the Reward.
    • Enter the numerical value you want the Executor to earn every time the Executor has Subscribed or Registered in the Reward field located below Fixed Points. The default is value 1. Continue to Step 12.

    B. If you selected Paid >= in Step 5 above for Event, configure the following two settings, otherwise continue to C:

    • By default Fixed Points is selected for Reward. Leave as default or select Calculated Points from the Reward drop-down menu.
    • If you selected Fixed Points you'll need to enter the numerical value you want the Executor to earn in the Reward field located below Fixed Points. If you selected Calculated Points you'll need to select Amount multiplied by or Amount divided by. The numerical value you choose for Fixed Points, Amount multiplied by or Amount divided by will be rewarded every time the user has paid the amount specified in Step 7B above. The default is value 1. For example, if you entered 30 with currency USD for Step 7B and left the default value 1, the Beneficiary will receive 1 Point for every $30 paid. Continue to Step 12.

    C. If you selected Gave Feedback or Submitted Forms >= in Step 5 above for Event, configure the following two settings, otherwise continue to D:

    • By default Fixed Points is the only option available for the Reward.
    • Enter the numerical value you want the Executor to earn every time the Executor Gave Feedback or Submitted Forms >= in the Reward field located below Fixed Points. The default is value 1. Continue to Step 12.

    D. If you selected Shared >= or Visited Shares >= in Step 5 above for Event, configure the following two settings:

    • By default Fixed Points is the only option available for the Reward.
    • Enter the numerical value you want the Executor to earn every time the Executor Shared >= or Visited Shares >= in the Reward field located below Fixed Points. The default is value 1. Continue to Step 12.
    1. By default Limit total rewards is disabled. When enabled you can enter the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn. Click the Limit total rewards toggle once to enable, then enter the numerical value for the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn in the Limit total rewards field.

    2. By default Limit total rewards per beneficiary is disabled. When enabled you can enter the maximum number of Rewards per Beneficiary. Click the Limit total rewards per beneficiary toggle once to enable, then enter the numerical value for the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn in the Limit total rewards per beneficiary field.

    3. Click Submit.

    Configure Publication Rewards

    Publication Rewards is defined, for example, by all shares for the Publication you select.

    1. Click Activate/Rewards.

    2. Click Add Reward.

    3. Select the user or group of users you want to give Points to from the Choose Beneficiary Segment drop-down menu. A common use case is to select All Contacts as this will allow all contacts to earn the reward you are creating. You can also start typing a name or email address and if it is in the system, yawave will filter a list based on what you enter. Select the name or email address(es) if applicable.

    4. Select Publication as the source you want to use for this Reward from the Source drop-down menu.

    5. Select the Publication you want to use for this Reward from the Source drop-down menu. Learn how to Create a Publication if you have not created one already.

    6. Select the event you want to use for the Publication Reward from the Event drop-down menu. Your choices include the following (Note: Settings vary based on what you select.):

    • Subscribed (uses Subscribe Tool)
    • Paid >= (uses Payment Tool)
    • Gave Feedback (uses Feedback Tool)
    • Submitted Forms >= (uses Form Tool)
    • Shared >= (uses Share Tool)
    • Visited Shares >= (uses Share Tool)

    Note: The Publication Reward can have a Subscribe Tool, Payment Tool, Feedback Tool, Form Tool and Share Tool assigned to it.

    1. By default Beneficiary is selected as the Executor. You can also select Influenced contact(s) of beneficiary from the Executor drop-down menu. Your choices include the following:
    • Beneficiary - the one who does the action (subscribes) gets rewarded, or receives Points.
    • Influenced contact(s) of beneficiary - you get rewarded when you motivate someone to take action (a user subscribes).
    1. Depending on what you selected in Step 5 above, you'll need to configure additional settings. Continue reading for information on additional configuration settings.

    A. If you selected Subscribed in Step 5 above for Event, continue to Step 9, otherwise continue to B.

    B. If you selected Paid >= in Step 5 above for Event, configure the following two settings, otherwise continue to C:

    • Enter the numerical value you want the Executor to have paid to earn a Reward (Points) in the Amount field. You can also click the up or down arrow located on the right side of the Amount field.
    • Next, select the currency you want to use for the paid amount from the Choose Currency drop-down menu. Continue to Step 9.

    C. If you selected Gave Feedback or Submitted Forms >= in Step 5 above for Event, configure the following setting, otherwise continue to D:

    • Quantity is the number of times an action must be completed, either Gave Feedback or Submitted Forms >=, in order to receive the Reward (Points). Enter the numerical value for the number of actions the Executor must complete before earning the Reward (Points) in the Quantity field. The default is value 1. Continue to Step 9.

    D. If you selected Shared >= or Visited Shares >= in Step 5 above for Event, configure the following two settings, otherwise continue to Step 9.

    • By default Share Email, Email, LinkedIn, Twitter, WhatsApp, Xing and Get Link are selected. Click the X icon next to the Channel you want to remove, or leave the default selected Channels.
    • Quantity is the number of times an action must be completed, either Shared >= or Visited Shares >=, in order to receive the Reward (Points). Enter the numerical value for the number of actions the Executor must complete before earning the Reward (Points) in the Quantity field. The default is value 1. Continue to Step 9.
    1. Select the date you want the Reward to start by clicking the Start Date calendar icon.

    2. By default Limit end date is disabled. This means the Reward will continue indefinitely. To limit the time the Reward is available, click the Limit end date toggle once and select the date you want the Reward to stop by clicking the Limit end date calendar icon.

    3. By default Custom Naming of Event is enabled. When enabled, you can enter a name and description for the Reward. Click Custom Naming of Event to disable. When disabled the system will create a name and description for you.

    When Custom Naming of Event is enabled, complete the following:

    • Enter the name you want to use for the Reward in the Name field.
    • Enter the description you want to use as the Reward in the Description field.
    1. Depending on what you selected in Step 5 above, you'll need to configure additional settings. Continue reading for information on additional configuration settings.

    A. If you selected Subscribed in Step 5 above for Event, configure the following two settings, otherwise continue to B:

    • By default Fixed Points is the only option available for the Reward.
    • Enter the numerical value you want the Executor to earn every time the Executor has Subscribed in the Reward field located below Fixed Points. The default is value 1. Continue to Step 13.

    B. If you selected Paid >= in Step 5 above for Event, configure the following two settings, otherwise continue to C:

    • By default Fixed Points is selected for Reward. Leave as default or select Calculated Points from the Reward drop-down menu.
    • If you selected Fixed Points you'll need to enter the numerical value you want the Executor to earn in the Reward field located below Fixed Points. If you selected Calculated Points you'll need to select Amount multiplied by or Amount divided by. The numerical value you choose for Fixed Points, Amount multiplied by or Amount divided by will be rewarded every time the user has paid the amount specified in Step 8B above. The default is value 1. For example, if you entered 30 with currency USD for Step 8B and left the default value 1, the Beneficiary will receive 1 Point for every $30 paid. Continue to Step 13.

    C. If you selected Gave Feedback or Submitted Forms >= in Step 5 above for Event, configure the following two settings, otherwise continue to D:

    • By default Fixed Points is the only option available for the Reward.
    • Enter the numerical value you want the Executor to earn every time the Executor Gave Feedback or Submitted Forms >= in the Reward field located below Fixed Points. The default is value 1. Continue to Step 13.

    D. If you selected Shared >= or Visited Shares >= in Step 5 above for Event, configure the following two settings:

    • By default Fixed Points is the only option available for the Reward.
    • Enter the numerical value you want the Executor to earn every time the Shared >= or Visited Shares >= in the Reward field located below Fixed Points. The default is value 1. Continue to Step 13.
    1. By default Limit total rewards is disabled. When enabled you can enter the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn. Click the Limit total rewards toggle once to enable, then enter the numerical value for the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn in the Limit total rewards field.

    2. By default Limit total rewards per beneficiary is disabled. When enabled you can enter the maximum number of Rewards per Beneficiary. Click the Limit total rewards per beneficiary toggle once to enable, then enter the numerical value for the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn in the Limit total rewards per beneficiary field.

    3. Click Submit.

    Configure Share Tool Rewards

    Share Tool Rewards is defined, for example, by all shares for the Share Tool you select.

    1. Click Activate/Rewards.

    2. Click Add Reward.

    3. Select the user or group of users you want to give Points to from the Choose Beneficiary Segment drop-down menu. A common use case is to select All Contacts as this will allow all contacts to earn the reward you are creating. You can also start typing a name or email address and if it is in the system, yawave will filter a list based on what you enter. Select the name or email address(es) if applicable.

    4. Select Share Tool as the source you want to use for this Reward from the Source drop-down menu.

    5. Select the Share Tool you want to use for this Reward from the Source drop-down menu. Learn how to Create a Share Tool if you have not created one already.

    6. Select the event you want to use for the Share Tool Reward from the Event drop-down menu. Your choices include the following (Note: Settings vary based on what you select.):

    • Shared >= This means a share was done with the Share Tool you selected in Step 5 above.
    • Visited Shares >= The user receives Points if a share was done and visited by the user.
    1. By default Beneficiary is selected as the Executor. You can also select Influenced contact(s) of beneficiary from the Executor drop-down menu. Your choices include the following:
    • Beneficiary - the one who does the action (subscribes) gets rewarded, or receives Points.
    • Influenced contact(s) of beneficiary - you get rewarded when you motivate someone to take action (a user subscribes).
    1. By default Share Email, Email, LinkedIn, Twitter, WhatsApp, Xing and Get Link are selected. Click the X icon next to the Channel you want to remove, or leave the default selected Channels.

    2. Quantity is the number of times an action must be completed, either Shared >= or Visited Shares >=, in order to receive the Reward (Points). Enter the numerical value for the number of actions the Executor must complete before earning the Reward (Points) in the Quantity field. The default is value 1.

    3. Select the date you want the Reward to start by clicking the Start Date calendar icon.

    4. By default Limit end date is disabled. This means the Reward will continue indefinitely. To limit the time the Reward is available, click the Limit end date toggle once and select the date you want the Reward to stop by clicking the Limit end date calendar icon.

    5. By default Custom Naming of Event is enabled. When enabled, you can enter a name and description for the Reward. Click Custom Naming of Event to disable. When disabled the system will create a name and description for you.

    When Custom Naming of Event is enabled, complete the following:

    • Enter the name you want to use for the Reward in the Name field.
    • Enter the description you want to use as the Reward in the Description field.
    1. By default Fixed Points is selected for Reward and cannot be changed.

    Enter the numeric value you want to use for the Reward in the field below Fixed Points. For example, if you enter value 1000 and select All Contacts as the Beneficiary in Step 3 above, all contacts will immediately receive 1,000 Points. This will be reflect in the Points screen.

    1. By default Limit total rewards is disabled. When enabled you can enter the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn. Click the Limit total rewards toggle once to enable, then enter the numerical value for the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn in the Limit total rewards field.

    2. By default Limit total rewards per beneficiary is disabled. When enabled you can enter the maximum number of Rewards per Beneficiary. Click the Limit total rewards per beneficiary toggle once to enable, then enter the numerical value for the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn in the Limit total rewards per beneficiary field.

    3. Click Submit.

    Configure Subscribe Tool Rewards

    Subscribe Tool Rewards is defined, for example, by all subscribes for the Subscribe Tool you select.

    1. Click Activate/Rewards.

    2. Click Add Reward.

    3. Select the user or group of users you want to give Points to from the Choose Beneficiary Segment drop-down menu. A common use case is to select All Contacts as this will allow all contacts to earn the reward you are creating. You can also start typing a name or email address and if it is in the system, yawave will filter a list based on what you enter. Select the name or email address(es) if applicable.

    4. Select Subscribe Tool as the source you want to use for this Reward from the Source drop-down menu.

    5. Select the Subscribe Tool you want to use for this Reward from the Source drop-down menu. Learn how to Create a Subscribe Tool if you have not created one already.

    6. By default the only option available for Event is Subscribed. This means the user receives Points for every subscriber using the Subscribe Tool you select in Step 5 above.

    7. By default Beneficiary is selected as the Executor. You can also select Influenced contact(s) of beneficiary from the Executor drop-down menu. Your choices include the following:

    • Beneficiary - the one who does the action (subscribes) gets rewarded, or receives Points.
    • Influenced contact(s) of beneficiary - you get rewarded when you motivate someone to take action (a user subscribes).
    1. Select the date you want the Reward to start by clicking the Start Date calendar icon.

    2. By default Limit end date is disabled. This means the Reward will continue indefinitely. To limit the time the Reward is available, click the Limit end date toggle once and select the date you want the Reward to stop by clicking the Limit end date calendar icon.

    3. By default Custom Naming of Event is enabled. When enabled, you can enter a name and description for the Reward. Click Custom Naming of Event to disable. When disabled the system will create a name and description for you.

    When Custom Naming of Event is enabled, complete the following:

    • Enter the name you want to use for the Reward in the Name field.
    • Enter the description you want to use as the Reward in the Description field.
    1. By default Fixed Points is selected for Reward and cannot be changed.

    Enter the numeric value you want to use for the Reward in the field below Fixed Points. For example, if you enter value 1000 and select All Contacts as the Beneficiary in Step 3 above, all contacts will immediately receive 1,000 Points. This will be reflect in the Points screen.

    1. By default Limit total rewards is disabled. When enabled you can enter the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn. Click the Limit total rewards toggle once to enable, then enter the numerical value for the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn in the Limit total rewards field.

    2. By default Limit total rewards per beneficiary is disabled. When enabled you can enter the maximum number of Rewards per Beneficiary. Click the Limit total rewards per beneficiary toggle once to enable, then enter the numerical value for the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn in the Limit total rewards per beneficiary field.

    3. Click Submit.

    Configure Feedback Tool Rewards

    Feedback Tool Rewards is defined, for example, by all feedbacks submitted for the Feedback Tool you select.

    1. Click Activate/Rewards.

    2. Click Add Reward.

    3. Select the user or group of users you want to give Points to from the Choose Beneficiary Segment drop-down menu. A common use case is to select All Contacts as this will allow all contacts to earn the reward you are creating. You can also start typing a name or email address and if it is in the system, yawave will filter a list based on what you enter. Select the name or email address(es) if applicable.

    4. Select Feedback Tool as the source you want to use for this Reward from the Source drop-down menu.

    5. Select the Feedback Tool you want to use for this Reward from the Source drop-down menu. Learn how to Create a Feedback Tool if you have not created one already.

    6. By default the only option available for Event is Gave Feedback. This means the user receives Points for every feedback a user submits using the Feedback Tool you select in Step 5 above.

    7. By default Beneficiary is selected as the Executor. You can also select Influenced contact(s) of beneficiary from the Executor drop-down menu. Your choices include the following:

    • Beneficiary - the one who does the action (subscribes) gets rewarded, or receives Points.
    • Influenced contact(s) of beneficiary - you get rewarded when you motivate someone to take action (a user subscribes).
    1. Quantity is the number of times an action must be completed, in this case Gave Feedback, in order to receive the Reward (Points). Enter the numerical value for the number of actions the Executor must complete before earning the Reward (Points) in the Quantity field. The default is value 1.

    2. Select the date you want the Reward to start by clicking the Start Date calendar icon.

    3. By default Limit end date is disabled. This means the Reward will continue indefinitely. To limit the time the Reward is available, click the Limit end date toggle once and select the date you want the Reward to stop by clicking the Limit end date calendar icon.

    4. By default Custom Naming of Event is enabled. When enabled, you can enter a name and description for the Reward. Click Custom Naming of Event to disable. When disabled the system will create a name and description for you.

    When Custom Naming of Event is enabled, complete the following:

    • Enter the name you want to use for the Reward in the Name field.
    • Enter the description you want to use as the Reward in the Description field.
    1. By default Fixed Points is selected for Reward and cannot be changed.

    Enter the numeric value you want to use for the Reward in the field below Fixed Points. For example, if you enter value 1000 and select All Contacts as the Beneficiary in Step 3 above, all contacts will immediately receive 1,000 Points. This will be reflect in the Points screen.

    1. By default Limit total rewards is disabled. When enabled you can enter the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn. Click the Limit total rewards toggle once to enable, then enter the numerical value for the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn in the Limit total rewards field.

    2. By default Limit total rewards per beneficiary is disabled. When enabled you can enter the maximum number of Rewards per Beneficiary. Click the Limit total rewards per beneficiary toggle once to enable, then enter the numerical value for the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn in the Limit total rewards per beneficiary field.

    3. Click Submit.

    Configure Payment Tool Rewards

    Payment Tool Rewards is defined, for example, by all payments submitted for the Payment Tool you select.

    1. Click Activate/Rewards.

    2. Click Add Reward.

    3. Select the user or group of users you want to give Points to from the Choose Beneficiary Segment drop-down menu.

    4. Select Payment Tool as the source you want to use for this Reward from the Source drop-down menu.

    5. Select the Payment Tool you want to use for this Reward from the Source drop-down menu. Learn how to Create a Payment Tool if you have not created one already.

    6. By default the only option available for Event is Paid >=. This means the user receives Points for every payment a user submits using the Payment Tool you select in Step 5 above.

    7. By default Beneficiary is selected as the Executor. You can also select Influenced contact(s) of beneficiary from the Executor drop-down menu. Your choices include the following:

    • Beneficiary - the one who does the action (subscribes) gets rewarded, or receives Points.
    • Influenced contact(s) of beneficiary - you get rewarded when you motivate someone to take action (a user subscribes).
    1. Enter the numerical value you want the Executor to have paid to earn a Reward (Points) in the Amount field. You can also click the up or down arrow located on the right side of the Amount field. Next, select the currency you want to use for the Reward value from the Choose Currency drop-down menu.

    2. Select the date you want the Reward to start by clicking the Start Date calendar icon. By default Limit end date is disabled. This means the Reward will continue indefinitely. To limit the time the Reward is available, click the Limit end date toggle once and select the date you want the Reward to stop by clicking the Limit end date calendar icon.

    3. By default Limit end date is disabled. This means the Reward will continue indefinitely. To limit the time the Reward is available, click the Limit end date toggle once and select the date you want the Reward to stop by clicking the Limit end date calendar icon.

    4. By default Custom Naming of Event is enabled. When enabled, you can enter a name and description for the Reward. Click Custom Naming of Event to disable. When disabled the system will create a name and description for you.

    When Custom Naming of Event is enabled, complete the following:

    • Enter the name you want to use for the Reward in the Name field.
    • Enter the description you want to use as the Reward in the Description field.
    1. By default Fixed Points is selected for Reward. Leave as default or select Calculated Points from the Reward drop-down menu.
    • If you selected Fixed Points you'll need to enter the numerical value you want the Executor to earn in the Reward field located below Fixed Points. If you selected Calculated Points you'll need to select Amount multiplied by or Amount divided by. The numerical value you choose for Fixed Points, Amount multiplied by or Amount divided by will be rewarded every time the user has paid the amount specified in Step 7 above. The default is value 1. For example, if you entered 30 with currency USD for Step 7 and left the default value 1, the Beneficiary will receive 1 Point for every $30 paid.
    1. By default Limit total rewards is disabled. When enabled you can enter the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn. Click the Limit total rewards toggle once to enable, then enter the numerical value for the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn in the Limit total rewards field.

    2. By default Limit total rewards per beneficiary is disabled. When enabled you can enter the maximum number of Rewards per Beneficiary. Click the Limit total rewards per beneficiary toggle once to enable, then enter the numerical value for the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn in the Limit total rewards per beneficiary field.

    3. Click Submit.

    Configure Form Tool Rewards

    Form Tool Rewards is defined, for example, by all forms submitted for the Form Tool you select.

    1. Click Activate/Rewards.

    2. Click Add Reward.

    3. Select the user or group of users you want to give Points to from the Choose Beneficiary Segment drop-down menu. A common use case is to select All Contacts as this will allow all contacts to earn the reward you are creating. You can also start typing a name or email address and if it is in the system, yawave will filter a list based on what you enter. Select the name or email address(es) if applicable.

    4. Select Form Tool as the source you want to use for this Reward from the Source drop-down menu.

    5. Select the Form Tool you want to use for this Reward from the Source drop-down menu. Learn how to Create a Form Tool if you have not created one already.

    6. By default the only option available for Event is Submitted Forms >=. This means the user receives Points for every form a user submits using the Form Tool you select in Step 5 above.

    7. By default Beneficiary is selected as the Executor. You can also select Influenced contact(s) of beneficiary from the Executor drop-down menu. Your choices include the following:

    • Beneficiary - the one who does the action (subscribes) gets rewarded, or receives Points.
    • Influenced contact(s) of beneficiary - you get rewarded when you motivate someone to take action (a user subscribes).
    1. Quantity is the number of times an action must be completed, in this case Submitted Forms >=, in order to receive the Reward (Points). Enter the numerical value for the number of actions the Executor must complete before earning the Reward (Points) in the Quantity field. The default is value 1.

    2. Select the date you want the Reward to start by clicking the Start Date calendar icon.

    3. By default Limit end date is disabled. This means the Reward will continue indefinitely. To limit the time the Reward is available, click the Limit end date toggle once and select the date you want the Reward to stop by clicking the Limit end date calendar icon.

    4. By default Custom Naming of Event is enabled. When enabled, you can enter a name and description for the Reward. Click Custom Naming of Event to disable. When disabled the system will create a name and description for you.

    When Custom Naming of Event is enabled, complete the following:

    • Enter the name you want to use for the Reward in the Name field.
    • Enter the description you want to use as the Reward in the Description field.
    1. By default Fixed Points is selected for Reward and cannot be changed.

    Enter the numeric value you want to use for the Reward in the field below Fixed Points. For example, if you enter value 1000 and select All Contacts as the Beneficiary in Step 3 above, all contacts will immediately receive 1,000 Points. This will be reflect in the Points screen.

    1. By default Limit total rewards is disabled. When enabled you can enter the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn. Click the Limit total rewards toggle once to enable, then enter the numerical value for the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn in the Limit total rewards field.

    2. By default Limit total rewards per beneficiary is disabled. When enabled you can enter the maximum number of Rewards per Beneficiary. Click the Limit total rewards per beneficiary toggle once to enable, then enter the numerical value for the maximum number of Rewards the Executor can earn in the Limit total rewards per beneficiary field.

    3. Click Submit.

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