Add a Team Member
    • 16 Jul 2021
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Add a Team Member

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    Article summary

    Learn how to add a Team Member below.

    Before You Begin!

    Before you can add a Team Member, the Member you are adding must meet the following requirements:

    • They should already have a Yawave account. The Contact/Subscriber you are adding needs to follow the Create a Yawave Account instructions and verify their email.
    • They must be subscribed as a Contact/Subscriber in Yawave. Learn how to Add a Contact/Subscriber.
    1. Click Administrate/Team/Members.

    2. Click Add Member.

    3. Start typing the name or email address of the Contact you want to add as a Member to your Team in the Member name field. Note: If the Name or Email of the Member you want to add to your Team is not showing, make sure the Member you are adding has created a Yawave account and you have subscribed the Member as a Contact/Subscriber in Yawave. Learn how to Add a Contact/Subscriber.

    4. Select the Role you want to assign to the Member in the Roles drop-down menu.

    5. Click Save.

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