Integrate Using Plugins
    • 02 Mar 2022
    • 2 Minutes to read
    • Contributors
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    Integrate Using Plugins

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    Article summary

    Learn how to embed a Portal below.

    Did you know?
    • Customize the look and feel of your CMS using one of the available plugins WordPress, Typo3 or Joomla plugin (documentation for Joomla coming soon)
    • Retrieve raw data of Publications, Portals, Categories and Tags to synchronize with yawave
    • Each item you change, a Publication it gets changed on your CMS
    • Place content directly on CMS pages
    • Show Portals using the same settings as yawave that listens to specific category(ies) or types of Publications
    • On CMS pages, show single Publications, add Share Tools and more
    • Visit landing pages to see content of Publication
    • Use your own theme
    • No need to work at the code level, use GUI instead

    Using the WordPress Plugin

    1. Click Administrate/Integrate/Connections.

    2. Click Add Connection.

    3. Click Yawave WP Plugin.

    4. There are two ways you can download and install the Yawave WordPress Plugin. Click Download when the page loads and install the plugin manually or search for the "yawave" plugin in your WordPress plugins dashboard, then click Install and then click Activate.

    5. Once your plugin is installed and activated, click Set This Up in Yawave (Note: This is in the Yawave application and not in WordPress).

    6. Enter the name you want to use for the connection in the Name field.

    7. Enter the domain you are using the plugin on in the Domain field. Note: You must include https:// in front of your domain.

    8. Click Create.

    9. When the page loads you'll see two options:

    • View Connection - Click View Connection to copy your App Id and App Secret and enter these values in the Yawave plugin you installed on your domain (in WordPress).
    • Sync All - Once you have successfully connected your Yawave plugin, click Sync All to sync all publications.
    1. Configure the Yawave Plugin settings in WordPress. Note: Instructions should be included in the plugin configuration settings.

    Using the Typo3 Extension

    1. Click here to download and install the Typo3 plugin. Note: Click the Download link in the right menu or follow these instructions.

    2. Once the Typo3 extension is installed, copy the API Key and save it for later.

    3. Click Set This Up in Yawave (Note: This is in the Yawave application and not in Typo3).

    4. Click Administrate/Integrate/Connections.

    5. Click Add Connection.

    6. Click Yawave Typo3 Extension.

    7. Enter the name you want to use for the connection in the Name field.

    8. Enter the domain you are using the plugin on in the Domain field. Note: You must include https:// in front of your domain.

    9. Enter the API Key you saved earlier (in Step 2 above) in the API Key field.

    10. Click Create.

    11. When the page loads you'll see two options:

    • View Connection - Click View Connection to copy your App Id and App Secret and enter these values in the Yawave plugin you installed on your domain (in Typo3).
    • Sync All - Once you have successfully connected your Yawave plugin, click Sync All to sync all publications.
    1. Follow these instructions to finish configuring Yawave plugin settings in Typo3.

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