Send an Email/Newsletter
    • 08 Apr 2022
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Send an Email/Newsletter

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    Article summary

    Learn how to send an Email/Newsletter below.

    1. When sending an Email/Newsletter, you have several options:
    1. Click Publish/Emails.

    2. When the page loads, locate the Email you want to use as an Email/Newsletter in the Emails column, then click Schedule Action from the three dot menu located on the same row and choose Send Email. Note: Before you can send an Email/Newsletter, the State of the email must be Sent or Unsent. The State cannot be Draft, Review or Archive.

    3. By default, Sender is autopopulated with your email address. To select another email address, start typing the email address in the Sender field. If the address is not in the system, yawave will state Not Found in the drop-down. If the email address is found in yawave, select the email address from the drop-down menu.

    4. Start typing the email address or dimension you want to send the Email/Newsletter to in the Recipients field. If the address is not in the system, yawave will state Not Found in the drop-down. If the email address is found in yawave, select the email address from the drop-down menu.

    5. Enter the subject you want to use for the Email/Newsletter in the Subject field.

    6. Leave the Sender Name as default or enter a new name in the Sender Name field.

    7. Click SCHEDULE.

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